Braguta Viktor |
ITEP, Moscow |
Confinement-deconfinement transition in dense SU(2) QCD I Confinement-deconfinement transition in dense SU(2) QCD II
What can we learn from simulations of QCD-like theories (which have no sign proplem)?
Bornyakov Vitaly |
IHEP NRC KI, Protvino |
Lattice QCD at finite baryonic density using imaginary chemical potential
Buividovich Pavel |
Regensburg Uni., Regensburg |
Real-time dynamics of chiral plasma Quantum effects in real-time evolution of gauge theories
Bugaev Kirill |
BITP, Kiev |
Phase transitions in finite systems : from possible signals in heavy ion collisions to their rigorous theoretical treatment I
Phase transitions in finite systems : from possible signals in heavy ion collisions to their rigorous theoretical treatment II
Modeling heavy ion collisions with different time scales
D'Elia Massimo |
Pisa Uni., Pisa |
Lattice QCD simulations with external backgrounds I
Lattice QCD simulations with external backgrounds II
Gunkel Pascal |
Giessen Uni., Giessen |
Quarks and hadrons at finite chemical potential
Holicki Lukas |
Giessen Uni., Giessen |
Quark localization and spectral correlations in lattice QCD
Iida Hideaki |
FEFU, Vladivostok |
Meson screening masses at high temperatures and densities from lattice QCD
Ilgenfritz Ernst-Michael |
JINR, Dubna |
QCD thermodynamics with Nf=2 and 2+1+1 twisted mass fermions: status
Ivanytskyi Oleksii |
BITP, Kiev |
Geometrical clusterization and phase transition in SU(2) gluodynamics
Kotov Andrey |
ITEP, Moscow |
Temperature dependence of bulk and shear viscosities from lattice SU(3)-gluodynamics
Lombardo Maria Paola |
INFN, Italy |
Topology in hot QCD with dynamical charm and input to axion physics
Lattice QCD for Beyond the Standard Model physics
Nakamura Atsushi |
FEFU, Vladivostok |
QCD phase structure studied by lattice QCD and heavy ion collisions I
QCD phase structure studied by lattice QCD and heavy ion collisions II
Nedelko Sergei |
JINR, Dubna |
Properties of a statistical ensemble of almost everywhere homogeneous Abelian (anti)self-dual gluon fields
Pawlowski Jan M. |
Heidelberg Uni., Heidelberg |
On the phase structure and dynamics of QCD I +II
Rogalyov Roman |
IHEP, Protvino |
Gluon propagators at finite temperature and density
Rothkopf Alexander |
Heidelberg Uni., Heidelberg |
In-medium Landau gauge gluon spectral functions from lattice QCD
In-medium heavy quarkonium spectral properties from lattice QCD effective field theories
Sagun Violetta |
IST, Lisbon |
Beyond the Van der Waals equation of state of hadronic matter
Schaefer Bernd-Jochen |
Giessen Uni., Giessen |
Finite-volume effects on the QCD phase structure
Smolyansky Stanislav |
SSU, Saratov |
Initial conditions to non-perturbative kinetic description of the vacuum QGP production at ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions
von Smekal Lorenz |
Giessen Uni., Giessen |
QCD-like theories at finite density I + II