List of registered talks

Braguta Viktor ITEP, Moscow Confinement-deconfinement transition in dense SU(2) QCD I

Confinement-deconfinement transition in dense SU(2) QCD II

What can we learn from simulations of QCD-like theories (which have no sign proplem)?
Bornyakov Vitaly IHEP NRC KI, Protvino Lattice QCD at finite baryonic density using imaginary chemical potential
Buividovich Pavel Regensburg Uni., Regensburg Real-time dynamics of chiral plasma

Quantum effects in real-time evolution of gauge theories
Bugaev Kirill BITP, Kiev Phase transitions in finite systems : from possible signals in heavy ion collisions to their rigorous theoretical treatment I

Phase transitions in finite systems : from possible signals in heavy ion collisions to their rigorous theoretical treatment II

Modeling heavy ion collisions with different time scales
D'Elia Massimo Pisa Uni., Pisa Lattice QCD simulations with external backgrounds I

Lattice QCD simulations with external backgrounds II
Gunkel Pascal Giessen Uni., Giessen Quarks and hadrons at finite chemical potential
Holicki Lukas Giessen Uni., Giessen Quark localization and spectral correlations in lattice QCD
Iida Hideaki FEFU, Vladivostok Meson screening masses at high temperatures and densities from lattice QCD
Ilgenfritz Ernst-Michael JINR, Dubna QCD thermodynamics with Nf=2 and 2+1+1 twisted mass fermions: status
Ivanytskyi Oleksii BITP, Kiev Geometrical clusterization and phase transition in SU(2) gluodynamics
Kotov Andrey ITEP, Moscow Temperature dependence of bulk and shear viscosities from lattice SU(3)-gluodynamics
Lombardo Maria Paola INFN, Italy Topology in hot QCD with dynamical charm and input to axion physics

Lattice QCD for Beyond the Standard Model physics
Nakamura Atsushi FEFU, Vladivostok QCD phase structure studied by lattice QCD and heavy ion collisions I

QCD phase structure studied by lattice QCD and heavy ion collisions II
Nedelko Sergei JINR, Dubna Properties of a statistical ensemble of almost everywhere homogeneous Abelian (anti)self-dual gluon fields
Pawlowski Jan M. Heidelberg Uni., Heidelberg On the phase structure and dynamics of QCD I +II
Rogalyov Roman IHEP, Protvino Gluon propagators at finite temperature and density
Rothkopf Alexander Heidelberg Uni., Heidelberg In-medium Landau gauge gluon spectral functions from lattice QCD

In-medium heavy quarkonium spectral properties from lattice QCD effective field theories
Sagun Violetta IST, Lisbon Beyond the Van der Waals equation of state of hadronic matter
Schaefer Bernd-Jochen Giessen Uni., Giessen Finite-volume effects on the QCD phase structure
Smolyansky Stanislav SSU, Saratov Initial conditions to non-perturbative kinetic description of the vacuum QGP production at ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions
von Smekal Lorenz Giessen Uni., Giessen QCD-like theories at finite density I + II